By fertilizing sugar beet we aim to achieve high yields in beets and mainly in sugar.
Thus, N-lubrication must not be excessive, because the sugar content is dropped, but the sugar is not taken from the sugar beet. If it is still insufficient, the yield on beets and sugar is reduced, as shown below:
N - fertilization, inadequate, 3,100 beets (kg / ha), 16% sugar, 500 kg / ha. Sugar
N-lubrication, sufficient, 6,500 beets (kg / ha), 15% sugar, 980 Kg / acre sugar
N-lubrication, excessive, 7,600 beets (kg / ha), 12% sugar, 910 kg / ha of sugar
Usually 15-20 kg N / ha are sufficient. N must be adequately within the plant and only in the last 2 months to descend below the critical concentration to stop further vegetative growth and photosynthesis products from leading to the rosette.
Nutrition of the plant with N should be controlled by tests for NO3-N in the stalk and the central leaf nerve that just matured.
Below are the amounts of nutrients removed from the beets. To produce 1000kg of beets and 800kg of leaves.
N = 4.2 kg / m3 P = 0.7 kg / ha, K = 6.6 kg / cm3, Ca = 1.7 kg / cm2, Mg = 1.1 kg / cm2, S = 0.4 kg / kg / ha
Fe = 15 g / m3, Mn = 12 g / cm3, Zn = 6 g / cm3, Cu = 15 g / cm3, B = 95 g / cm3, Mo = 0.1 g /
The highest nutritional requirements the plant has in June. This is particularly important because, in the event of drought, stocks of digestible nutrients can be reduced.
P, K. Ca, Mg and B fertilization must be taken care of, because these elements are of great importance for the plant and not only for the purpose of balanced fertilization, which is always important.
The sugar industry has developed its own system of rational plant lubrication based mainly on soil analyzes.
The following lubrication scheme is illustrative:
N = 12-14 kg / ha P2O5 = 8-10 kg / cm2 K2O = 0-40 (20) kg / ha MgO = 5-6 kg / ha B = 0-2 kg /
Beets are salt resistant plants, but not in the early stages. Thus, heavy fertilization with soluble fertilizers should take place a few weeks before sowing or after growing plants a little.
The beets are favorably reacting to addition of Na (eg Chile's nitro), especially when K is absent (K and Na substitution). With the Chilean nitro, the requirements of plants in B (up to 200 g / ha) are also met. In mild or alkaline soils, north must be added either with borax from the ground or with foliage.
Soils poor in Mg need fertilization with Mg (at the height of P), while in neutral soils - which trace the trace elements - we need to add B, Zn etc. by fertilization or to soil the soils with NH4 fertilizers.
Finally, it should be noted that beets (like all tuberous plants) want soil with a good structure obtained by a) organic fertilization; or b) slight liming in the autumn.
100 kg / acre for incorporation in zeolite
12.5 kg in 1000 liters of water
• 30-0-0 + 4MgO + 0.1Fe + 0.3B + 17% zeolite
• 28-8-8 + 0.5Zn + 13% zeolite
• 12-12-12 + 3MgO + 0.1Fe + 25% zeolite